Embracing Ramadan's Giving Spirit 🌟

Ramadan extends beyond fasting; it's a peak season for Zakat and Sadaqah and the strategies below are essential to amplifying your impact this Ramadan.

1. Leaderboard Excitement: Competition & Visibility 🏆

Leaderboard Explained

  • During Ramadan, we have two leaderboards that are updated in real-time, one showcasing campaigns based on the number of unique supporters and the other showing campaigns based on the total amount raised.

Mastering the Leaderboard

  • Eligibility & Rules: Every campaign active during Ramadan is eligible. Only unique donors (with unique emails and credit card digests) count towards your leaderboard score. Donations from LaunchGood features or marketing packages are excluded.
  • Real-Time Updates & Prize Allocation: Standings are updated in real-time, with daily contests resetting at 7:00 pm ET each day. Prizes are awarded daily to the top 10 campaigns in both the 'Most Raised' and 'Most Supporters' categories, globally and in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • $29K Daily Giveaways: If your campaign ranks in both categories or on both Global and Asia-Pacific leaderboards, you'll receive only the higher-value prize. Campaigns can win up to a total of $30,000 USD during the 30 days of Ramadan, excluding prizes won on the 27th day of Ramadan. On this day, prizes are significantly increased: Global prizes are quadrupled and Asia-Pacific prizes are doubled, and the $30,000 cap does not apply.
  • Prize Caps: The global leaderboard prize cap is $30,000 and the Asia-Pacific leaderboard prize cap is $10,000
  • Prize Breakdown: See image below for a breakdown of all prizes up for grabs daily on the Global Leaderboard, and remember these prizes will be quadrupled on the 27th day of Ramadan; so first place will win a whopping $20,000.

2. Referral Programs: Expand Your Reach 💫

The Power of Referrals

  • Leverage the power of referrals to extend your campaign's influence. Encourage your network to invite others to participate in Scheduled Giving, broadening your donor base. Our Ramadan Referral Program rewards each successful referral with financial boosts, significantly magnifying the impact of each donation.

Referral Mastery

To note; a new change this year is that boosts will be paid out in the donor's signup currency.

Plan Now: Referrals are active from 12:00 am ET, February 12, 2024.

Act by March 10: Higher boost amounts are available until 11:59 pm, March 10, 2024.

  • 30-Day Signups: Earn a $100 boost per referral.
  • Last 10 Nights Signups: Secure a $30 boost per referral.

March 11 Onwards: Boosts change!

  • 30-Day Signups: Now a $50 boost per referral.
  • Last 10 Nights Signups: Adjusted to a $15 boost per referral.

Deadline: Don't miss out! The program ends at 11:59 pm ET, March 19, 2024 and remember boosts are paid in the donor's signup currency!

  • Utilizing Team Links: Leverage the team link and share this with your network, making it easy for them to support and refer your campaign.
  • Minimum Donation Changes: We've updated our system to require a $3 equivalent minimum donation in your donor's local currency (except Malaysian Ringgit which is 5 MYR), and correspondingly, any earned boosts will be awarded in the same currency.
  • Excluded Referrals: The following signups are not qualified for a referral boost: Campaign owner, Team member, if donor has signed up for less than the $3 minimum, if donor has signed up for another team link.
  • Scheduled Giving Continues: Donors can continue to sign-up for scheduled giving after March 19 however referrals will no longer be eligible for boosts.
  • Personal Touch: Tailor your referral messages to resonate with your audience. Personalized messages often lead to higher engagement and a stronger sense of connection, encouraging more people to participate in your campaign.
  • Acknowledgment: Always express gratitude towards your donors. Their efforts are crucial in expanding your campaign's reach. With the new detailed status updates for referrals, you can now track and recognize the impact of each referrer more effectively.

3. Zakat: 💰

Zakat is a key aspect of Ramadan giving. Our platform simplifies the process for both donors and campaigns, enhancing the impact of these vital contributions.

Zakat Simplified : 💰

  • Easy Calculation & Eligibility: Guide donors to our Zakat calculator and designate your campaign as Zakat-eligible, post Zakat verification. These features aid donors in fulfilling their Zakat obligations and ensures they can easily find and contribute to your cause.

Zakat Campaign Tips

  • Educate & Inform: Clearly communicate how Zakat contributions can support your cause. It's crucial to provide donors with information on how their Zakat is being used, ensuring transparency and trust.
  • Verified Campaigns: To learn how to verify your campaign as Zakat-Verified, visit our Zakat Policy.

4. LaunchGood Ads: Boost Your Ramadan Campaign 🌟

Amplify Your Message

Strategically amplify your message and reach with our Ramadan Ads crafted to ensure your message resonates powerfully with a global audience.

  • Expansive Community Connection: Tap into a global network of over 1.6 million Muslims actively seeking to support impactful initiatives like yours. With LaunchGood Ads, your campaign gains access to a vast audience, ready to contribute and share.
  • Balanced ROI with Assurance: Our marketing packages offer not just visibility, but real results. Experience an average 2-4x return on investment. Our No Loss Guarantee ensures a secure and effective investment in your campaign’s exposure.
  • Deadline: Application for Ramadan Ads ends on February 18, 2024.

Ready to transform your campaign and touch more lives this Ramadan? Visit launchgood.com/ads and discover how you can elevate your campaign to new heights.

5. Plan, Execute, Succeed 📅

Pre-Ramadan Hustle

  • Goal Setting and Story Crafting: Begin your preparations by setting clear, achievable goals. Craft a compelling story that resonates with your audience. This foundation is crucial for a successful campaign.
  • Outreach Strategy: Develop a comprehensive outreach plan. Consider how you will use various channels such as social media, email, and community events to spread the word about your campaign.
  • Educational Resource: For more insights on effective preparation strategies, check out our previous blog post: Unveiling the Power of Ramadan Fundraising.

D-Day Execution

  • Daily Engagement: Maintain a strong presence throughout Ramadan. Consistent engagement is key, especially during the last 10 nights, which sees the highest fundraising day of the year on LaunchGood.
  • Utilize Multiple Channels: Implement a mix of social media posts, email updates, and personal outreach to ensure your campaign stays in the spotlight. Each channel offers unique advantages and reaches different segments of your audience.
  • Visibility and Interaction: Keep your campaign fresh and engaging. Regular updates, live sessions, and interactive posts can help maintain interest and momentum.

6. Beyond Ramadan: Gratitude & Engagement 💌

Thanks & Impact

  • Heartfelt Gratitude: After Ramadan, it's essential to express sincere thanks to your donors. A personalized thank you message, whether through email, social media, or a video, can make a lasting impression.
  • Showcase Impact: Share detailed accounts of how the donations have been or will be used. This could include stories, photos, or videos demonstrating the tangible impact of their contributions. Transparency builds trust and encourages future support.

Keep the Flame Burning

  • Regular Updates: Continue to keep your supporters in the loop even after Ramadan. Regular updates on the progress and outcomes of the campaign remind them of the ongoing impact of their generosity.
  • Engagement Strategies: Employ various engagement strategies such as newsletters, success stories, and community events to keep your audience connected to your cause.
  • Future Campaign Teasers: Start laying the groundwork for your next campaign. Tease upcoming initiatives and invite donors to be a part of your ongoing journey. This can be done through sneak peeks, early bird registration opportunities, or exclusive insights for past donors.

Your journey to a successful Ramadan campaign on LaunchGood starts here. By understanding and strategically using the platform's features, you can reach and exceed your fundraising goals. Embrace these tools and let each donation reflect the spirit of Ramadan generosity.

