Losing a loved one is difficult.

We feel lost and upset. At times, hopeless. 

We think of what we would sacrifice for just one more precious moment. 

"I wish I could see them just one more time."

"I wish I could tell them I love them, just one more time."

"I wish I could pray with them, just one more time."

But we should remember that hope is never lost. We still have the opportunity to show our loved ones how much we care - and to benefit them even after they've passed. 

Introducing Legacies on LaunchGood

The Prophet (peace be upon him) mentioned that of all the things a person can leave behind, only a few can result in ongoing rewards after one has passed (Sadaqah Jariyah).

Abu Qatadah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "The best of what a man leaves behind are three: a righteous child who supplicates for him, ongoing charity; the reward of which reaches him, and knowledge that is acted upon after him." (Sunan Ibn Mājah 237)

Legacies on LaunchGood allows you to raise funds on behalf of loved ones who are living or those who have passed.

Check out our Legacy page and start your campaign today

What does a Legacy look like?

From helping to build a mosque in the name of a grandparent who recently passed to digging a water well for a parent's birthday - there are several Sadaqah Jariyah projects you can fundraise for on LaunchGood. 

This means that not only will the person be rewarded for the initial act itself (i.e., building a water well), but they'll also gain rewards every time someone drinks from it!

Check out the story of Abdel-Minem and Jenan, who fundraised to build a masjid for Rohingya refugees on behalf of their daughter.

  1. Decide on the type of campaign that you want to fundraise for. Not sure what project you want to support? You can check out one of our community pages below to get started.
  1. Click on "Start a campaign." 
  1. Give your campaign a title, a goal amount, and other key details. 
  1. Start fundraising!

Fundraising Ideas: Give the gift of water

Get inspired!

  • Have a birthday coming up? Consider skipping gifts this year and ask your friends to donate to your legacy campaign instead.
  • Family reunion! Connect with family across the globe by starting a campaign to raise funds in honor of a family member who has passed away. 
  • Know of a school in need of resources? Start a LaunchGood to donate books and other educational materials.

Check out the campaign launched in honor of Sr. Iman Jasim, which continues to support orphans after she passed away.

Legacies on LaunchGood is an opportunity to show our loved ones how much we care by doing something that will benefit them in the akhira. Get started today!

