Article Refrence: IslamiCity

Zakah, or Community Wealth Tax, is a religious obligation that regulates the wealth contribution of Muslims. In its definition, zakah means "purity" and "growth," which are religious connotations. It is a practical manifestation of Ummah and establishes mutual solidarity between them by creating a firm bond between rich and poor individuals. Zakah serves various functions in Muslim society, including religious, economic, and social functions.  Zakah is an embodiment of Islam, affirming God's ownership of everything in the universe and acting as an expression of gratitude towards the Bestower.  Zakah encourages investing wealth for society's benefit.

Find here some of the Zakat-verified fundraisers. 

Impact of giving on social functions 

Zakah contributes to social stability by purifying the souls of the rich and poor of selfishness and resentment against society by promoting the ummah and solidarity. It is not merely used to meet the present needs of the poor and needy but also serves other problems that deeply affect social life, such as freedom, indebtedness, defence and security of Muslim land, and the need of those away from home seeking knowledge or a lawful livelihood.

Be sure to check out the full article published on IslamiCity, there you will find the full in-depth explanation.

LaunchGood Topics: Donating, Fundraising and Making a Change

At LaunchGood, we ensure our platform offers a seamless experience for users to share or donate to a campaign. We also strive to educate our Ummah on the importance of supporting various causes aimed at improving the lives of those in need. Remember, support isn't limited to monetary contributions—a simple share or online endorsement can go a long way.

Below we will list some of the previous articles that touch on the importance of Zakat, LaunchGood fundraising, giving and more!  

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